A number of technical forums will be held simultaneously to focus on trending issues and difficulties in the development of the industry.
August 8, 2018

Due to the success of the first seminar, the organizers have planned to extend the second edition of the ‘Tube & Pipe Industry Development Seminar 2018’ to a two-day event. The organizers, Metallurgical Council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Messe Dusseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will continue to join hands with ITA – International Tube Association to invite well-known industry experts and professional users from home and abroad to conduct in-depth analysis on trending topics such as market status, development and application of steel pipes and welded pipes, etc.
The seminar will be from 26 to 27 September 2018 at Hall E1 ‘Tech Stage’ (Booth No: E1-G24), Shanghai New International Expo Center, China. The topics for the day one of the exhibition are as follows: Introduction on Global Tube Market; Chinese Pipe and Tube Industry Status and Supply-Demand Development; Analysis of World Economic Situation and Oil-Gas Exploration Situation; Overall Situation of City Underground Pipeline and Demand Analysis; How to Get Back to Profit with Future-Oriented Solutions for Competitive Tube Plants; 3-D Surface Inspection in Production of Seamless Tube; High-Performance Production Cell for Premium Coupling Blanks; Tube E-commerce Development.
For the second day the topics are: Prospect of High-End Stainless Steel Tube and Market Demand; The Buildup of Steel Pipe Standard System and the Speedup of Industrial Restructuring; Present Status and Development of International Top Pipe Companies; Development of China Welded Pipe Industry; Innovative Radar Technology for Online Quality Control of Tubes and Pipes; COPRA® Profile Scan Desktop – Quality Control for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage; Research on Spring back Mechanism and Intelligent Control of Ultra High Strength in Roll Forming process.