With 20 years of experience in the manufacture and supply of anti-corrosive greases for GAP, UK based industry specialist Metalube has worked in conjunction with both the utility and conductor manufacturer to identify and implement the most stringent and appropriate test procedures to guarantee performance and the integrity of the GAP conductor in use.
March 16, 2019

Corrosion protection is an extremely important criterion for finished products and their components, especially where environmental accelerators enter the corrosion equation and when extended construction life is a prerequisite. Nowhere is this more critical than in overhead line conductors where multi-metal construction, extreme application temperatures, exposure to humidity, salt and acidic pollutants can make up the everyday environment.
Overhead line conductors have been used to transmit and distribute power for almost 100 years, during which time the demand for electricity has increased significantly. The requirement to upgrade existing lines, construct new transmission lines for developing areas and achieve compliance with ever evolving technical specifications poses many challenges for the Transmission and Distribution networks.
As one would expect advancements are continually being made in the design and use of innovative technologies and materials to meet this demand. Conventional conductors the most common of which being ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) and AAAC (All Aluminum Alloy Conductor) are now being replaced with high performance HTLS conductor types such as the GAP conductor (GZTACSR) which have the capability of increasing the line ampacity utilizing existing towers, whilst it must be noted are operating at significantly higher temperatures.
These advancements are well tested and documented to ensure performance is achieved, however the corrosion inhibitor as an integral part of the conductor which is now being asked to provide up to 60 years protection at operational temperatures > 200OC is in many instances being over looked, with outdated and inappropriate specifications being adhered to.
Albert Molloy, Global Product Manager, Metalube Ltd. explains the success of Metalube to deliver a fit for purpose anti-corrosive grease that meets the thermal ratings of the GAP conductor in such a highly demanding application is the innovative synthetic technology employed and the capability of Metalube to clearly demonstrate by extended and objective testing the thermal capability and anti-corrosive properties required and that grease selection should not be compromised if asset life and performance is to be achieved.