Uniflex Cables Ltd - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Uniflex Cables Ltd

HeadlinesSpecial Feature

Solar Cable: Surging Indian Solar Energy Market Gives Huge Boost to Solar Cables Demand

By all account, the solar power generation in India has seen an unforeseen rise in the previous few years, creating enormous demand for generation and transmission related technologies, equipment, and product, not to mention special kind of wires and cables suitable to solar energy. India is on a roll in......

Uniflex Cables Limited: Fast Inroads into Renew able Energy Segment

Having served the telecom and conventional power cabling requirements with its extensive range for long enough time, Uniflex is now ready to do its bit for renewable energy sector and other specialty needs with its innovative e-beam technology for cross-linking of polymers. Uniflex Cables, established in 1981, is a leading......

Cable & Wire Fair 2015: Omens of Profuse Growth

A dazzling display of products and machineries from the wire and cable industry represented by over 12 countries was unveiled amid large gathering of visitors. Businesses, ideas, and leaders came together to discuss the future of the sector at the conference happening in parallel with the expo. Cable & Wire......
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