Rosendahl Nextrom - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Rosendahl Nextrom

Interviews Special Feature

Rosendahl Nextrom: Where Innovation Never Stops

Rosendahl Nextrom is ‘the only company in the world to offer a complete manufacturing value chain for optical fibre and cable production’. It also provides the world’s most advanced technology for copper data cables to meet new data center requirements. “We are developing solutions for producing large optical fibre preforms......

Wire & Cable India Emagazine Jul-Aug Issue 2024

Wire & Cable India’s July-Aug 2024 edition is live now!The current edition carries a special feature on the importance of optical fibre cables in Digital India, focusing on the need for these new-age cables in the rapidly evolving digital era.The article details the types of OFCs produced by leading manufacturers,......

Rosendahl Nextrom Challenges Conventional Cable and Wire Production Methods, Showcases the Latest Advancements

Balancing quality, productivity, and sustainability is an ongoing challenge for cable and wire producers. As a technology leader, Rosendahl Nextrom consistently questions conventional manufacturing methods and explores possibilities for improvement. Sometimes, a small enhancement to a machine can have a significant impact. At times, it’s necessary to rethink the manufacturing......

Wire & Cable India Emagazine Jan-Feb Issue 2024

Wire & Cable India’s Jan-Feb 2024 edition is live now!The current edition of the magazine is focused on the latest events happening in the vibrant and propitious wire and cable industry, such as Wire 2024, which will take place in the picturesque city of Dusseldorf in Germany from April 15......
Headlines Industry Trends

Rosendahl Nextrom: New Year, New Possibilities!

Rosendahl Nextrom has recently equipped its in-house technology center with two brand-new laboratory lines for LAN cable and fiber optical cable production. It is open for customers and partners to test the modern infrastructure. Jan 10, 2024 Rosendahl Nextrom’s in-house technology center serves as a hub for research, development, and......

Rosendahl Nextrom to Introduce World’s Leading Nextrom Technology in Glass Preform & Fiber Manufacturing

Rosendahl Nextrom is the global leader in manufacturing technologies, factories, systems, equipment, and services for the battery, cable, wire, and optical fiber industries. The company is a customer-focused entity constantly working to anticipate their needs and meet them in advance. The company has recently appointed Mr. Pankaj Priyadarshi, as the......

Wire & Cable India Emagazine July-August Issue 2023

Wire & Cable India July-Aug 2023 issue is now LIVE! Cable & Wire Fair 2023 serves as the juncture for Wire & Cable India’s July-Aug 2023 and Sept-Oct 2023 editions. While the WCI Sept-Oct edition will include the Cable & Wire Fair 2023 event coverage in depth, WCI July-Aug 2023......

Rosendahl Nextrom’s Cat8 Cables’ Foaming Process enhanced by AI

Rosendahl Nextrom is using an AI-supported foaming process for their Cat8 cables. The AI-based algorithm continuously observes the foaming process, perfectly matches individual parameters and intervenes in a targeted and foresighted manner and works quickly and with great precision. Mar 9, 2023 Rosendahl Nextrom’s in-house developers’ team has enhanced their......
Technical Articles

Rosendahl: Extrusion at its Best with ROEX Extruders

With the ROEX series, Rosendahl Nextrom offers a comprehensive range of extruders for cable insulation and cable jacketing. In developing these high-performance machines, special attention was paid to energy efficiency and flexibility; two topics that can make all the difference for cable manufacturers. Innovative direct motor drive conceptWhat’s so special......

Loose Tube Production: Repeatable Precision at Highest Speed by Rosendahl Nextrom

Rosendahl Nextrom loose tube line can process PBT microtubes with the speed of 1,200 m/min, meeting all the requirements with precision. Precise, fast, and suitable for a wide product range – these are the crucial requirements for a loose tube manufacturing line. Rosendahl Nextrom has combined its customers’ needs with......
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