reconductoring - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : reconductoring


Sterlite Power Wins Projects of INR 1600 crore across its Solutions Business

Sterlite Power bagged orders from PGCIL, Damodar Valley Corporation, and West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. The projects are for high-performance conductors and reconductoring solutions for transmission projects. June 2, 2022 Sterlite Power has bagged a number of orders worth around INR 1600 crore across its solutions business in......

Grid Strategies Publishes Report on Advanced Conductors on Existing Transmission Corridors

The report by Grid Strategies describes that while building new transmission lines is necessary, substantially increasing the capacity of the grid is also important. Reconductoring with ACCC® Conductor by CTC Global proves to be a time-saving and cost-effective solution. March 24, 2022 In January, the U.S. DOE (Department of Energy)......
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