Power Cable Industry - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Power Cable Industry


Jainco Power Expands Capacity with State-of-the-Art Kolkata Plant

Jainco Power Limited is making a significant leap forward with the establishment of a new manufacturing plant in Kolkata. This strategic expansion will boost the company’s conductor production capacity by an impressive 3,00,000 km per year, in addition to its existing 1,44,000 km capacity. With cutting-edge technology and an expanded......

Universal Cables Limited Announces Enhanced Capex of INR 482 Crore 

In order to serve the continued strong demand for the whole range of power cables as well as insulated winding wires, building wires and multicore flexible cables both in domestic and overseas markets, Universal Cables Limited (UCL) has increased its aggregate capital outlay from INR 277 crore (as announced on......

SIKORA’s Purity Scanner Advanced Completes 10 Years

Purity Scanner, launched by SIKORA in 2013, has completed 10 years recently. The development of a system for the inspection and sorting of pellets was achieved in close cooperation with partners from the power cable industry. Dec 14, 2023 In 2013, SIKORA launched with the Purity Scanner a new type......

Prysmian: The Road Ahead

The COVID-19 crisis will encourage many industries to use more Artificial Intelligence to increase safety and improve productivity. In an interview given to Wire & Cable India, Mr. Benoit Lecuyer talks about the contingency plans the industry is making to handle the coronavirus crisis. Excerpts. Wire & Cable India: According......

SGR Engineers & Consultants: Growing Africa, Lions on the Move

The company not only has executed some projects successfully in Africa, but also is convinced of swift upcoming growth of various African nations in terms of infrastructure and energy, giving considerable impetus to wire and cable demand. Chennai-based SGR Engineers & Consultants is a project consultant for the wire and......

Cable & Wire Fair 2015: Omens of Profuse Growth

A dazzling display of products and machineries from the wire and cable industry represented by over 12 countries was unveiled amid large gathering of visitors. Businesses, ideas, and leaders came together to discuss the future of the sector at the conference happening in parallel with the expo. Cable & Wire......
HeadlinesIndustry Trends

The Middle East Story: Changes in Power Cable Industry

Issam Siddique* The cable industry in the Middle East is set for interesting times. The thrust provided by Government backed infrastructure spending has set into motion a direct push for power cables and allied raw materials. The new found infusion mainly from local demand is causing cable manufacturers, especially power......
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