OPGW cables - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : OPGW cables


Dicabs Bags INR 175.17 Crore Order for Supply of AL-59 Conductors

Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited (Dicabs) will supply 3569 km of AL-59 conductors and OPGW cables for various 400kV and 220kV transmission lines in Gujarat. Mar 20, 2025 Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited (Dicabs) has received a Letter of Intent from Associated Power Structures Limited worth INR 175.17 crore for the supply......

International Exhibitors at Wire 2014, Dusseldorf


ELECRAMA-2012 : The world’s largest show for Power T&D, Electrical & Industrial Electronics

  Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA), India’s nodal agency representing the manufacturers of electrical, industrial electronics and allied equipments in India will be organizing the 10th edition of ELECRAMA. To be held from January 18-22, 2012 in Mumbai, India, the five day expo will be the World’s largest......

The World is Connected

Through human history, progress has been defined by a fundamental need for connectivity – connectivity between people, between places, in thoughts and of ideas. The Industrial Revolution, the discovery of the structure of DNA and the invention of the ‘Worldwide Web’ remain amongst the milestone events that changed the course......
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