OFC Market - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : OFC Market

HeadlinesSpecial Feature

The Backbone of Modern Communications Infrastructure

Driven by increased broadband penetration, rising internet TV streaming services, and the overall growth of the telecommunications sector, the Indian optic fibre market is witnessing significant growth. The scale in which it is used underscores the technological reality that we stand on the brink of another revolution that will fundamentally......
HeadlinesSpecial Feature

The Future of Optical Fibre Communication Network

The global OFC market is expected to pick up from early 2025 and should augur well for the entire industry with the expected uptake in the augmentation of existing 4G networks and the new build-up in the stand-alone 5G networks. It is expected that by 2025-26, at least 75 percent......

NAVANK: Backend Tech Integration & Two Warehouses in India for JIT Deliveries

NAVANK, under the leadership of Mr. Naval Singhal, Director & Chief Business Officer, is planning technology-based backend integration of manufacturing, freight management, local warehousing, transportation of products, and finally product sales on a JIT basis. In an interview with Wire & Cable India, he shared about Navank’s market footprint, USP,......
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