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Wire & Cable India

Tag : Nexans

Nexans to supply 130 kilometres of URC-1 cable containing 96 fibres

27 October, 2011 Nexans has been awarded a contract to supply 130 kilometres of URC-1 cable to Emerald Bridge Fibres Ltd. (Emerald Bridge). Emerald Bridge is a joint venture between UK fibre network provider Geo Networks Ltd. (Geo) and Ireland’s leading telecom provider ESB Telecoms Ltd, to lay the most......

Nexans wins turnkey contract to supply & install infield power cables for the Riffgat offshore wind farm

24 August, 2011 Nexans has been awarded a contract by the project developer Offshore-Windpark RIFFGAT GmbH & Co. KG, which is owned by Enova and EWE ENERGIE, to supply and install the infield submarine power cables and ancillary equipment for the Riffgat offshore wind farm currently under construction 15 km......

Nexans signs agreement with the Shandong Yanggu Cables Group in China to acquire stake in its power cable business

21 June, 2011 Nexans announced the signing of an agreement with the Shandong Yanggu Cable Group to create a joint venture based on Shandong Yanggu’s power cable business in China. Nexans will hold 75% and Shandong Yanggu will hold 25% of the JV. Founded in 1985 and located in Shandong......

Nexans aviation cables meet the data transmission challenges of new generation aircraft

20 June, 2011 Nexans is showcasing its latest state-of-the-art data transmission cables developed to meet the ever increasing demand from aircraft manufacturers for enhanced data handling capacity. New data-hungry passenger services such as video on demand, internet connectivity and gaming on new generation aircraft now require more sophisticated onboard communications......

Nexans introduces Alsecure Premium, the next- generation fire-resistant cable

Nexans is introducing Alsecure® Premium, its range of next-generation CR1-C1 fire-resistant cables. Incorporating the INFIT™ polymer technology developed by Nexans’ R&D engineers, the new Alsecure® Premium cable ensures maximum safety for people and property and provides a high-performance solution for maintaining the integrity of Fire Safety Systems (FSS), especially in office complexes, industrial sites and all......
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