internet services - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : internet services


Mobily, Telecom Egypt to Build First Saudi-Owned Submarine Cable Between Saudi Arabia & Egypt via Red Sea

The new cable, which is wholly owned by Mobily, will pass through the Red Sea, connecting Saudi Arabia and Egypt and opening the way for expansion and access to Europe through various connectivity options. Nov 7, 2024 Mobily and Telecom Egypt have signed a cooperation agreement to land the first......

KFON attains ISP Licence, making Kerala the First Indian State with its Own Internet Service

The KFON initiative envisions a network of 35,000 km of optical fibre across 14 districts in the state and aims to create a network infrastructure to support free internet services. September 3, 2022 The Kerala Fiber Optic Network (KFON) initiative has received the Internet Service Provider (ISP) licence from the......
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