HPTE (High Performance Thermoplastic Elastomer) - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : HPTE (High Performance Thermoplastic Elastomer)

HeadlinesIndustry Trends

Sustainable future and Decarbonisation: Prysmian Contribution on India Strategy and COP26 Goals

Mr. Benoit Lecuyer, CEO, Prysmian India, enlightens us about the energy transition from the non-renewable to renewable, the importance of high-quality cables to meet the growing demand for renewable power generation, and the contribution of Prysmian India in this regard. Strong measures are needed to limit the carbon emissions responsible......
NewsTransmission, Distribution & Infrastructure

New P-Laser 600 kV HVDC- Fully Recyclable and the Most Powerful Cable Solution

Prysmian Group is ready to launch environment-friendly and very powerful cable solution, P-Laser 600 kV HVDC system which will give cost reductions of up to 30 percent per transmitted MW. September 29, 2016 Prysmian Group is all set to launch a new breakthrough cable technology for the development of power......
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