Green Transition - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Green Transition


Greece Announces Second HVDC Cable System worth EUR 1.42 Billion

The second Greek HVDC cable system will be 380 kilometers long and will have a transmission capacity of 1 GW. With a total budget of EUR 1.42 billion, the project will enhance the security of energy supply, and support the green transition of the Greek islands. The budget for the......

NKT Completes the Power Cable Project for Triton Knoll Offshore Windfarm

NKT continues to support the green transformation in the UK with the conclusion of the delivery of the export cables and array cables for the 857 MW Triton Knoll offshore wind farm. March 02, 2021 NKT has finalized the manufacturing and delivery of both the export cable system and array......
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