Ebeam wires and cables - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Tag : Ebeam wires and cables


Apar Industries’ Cable Division Reports Revenue of Rs. 1270 Crores for FY2021

With 19% of the total revenue for FY21 contributing to the cable business, Apar Industries maintained a good growth trajectory— specifically with a 21.2% YoY revenue gain from OFC/telecom cables and exports. June 3, 2021 Apar Industries has reported consolidated revenue of Rs. 6405 crores during the 12-months period ending......
Special FeatureHeadlines

E-Beam Wires and Cables: Scope & Prospects

In the past few years, there’s been a gradual build up in the demand for electron beam processing in wires and cables. In view of the rising prevalence of the processing technique, team Wire & Cable India has initiated an editorial feature to present an insightful article on the know-how......
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