A cable producer’s main goal is to offer a high-quality product to the market; and a high-quality cable is the result of many different factors. One of them is the extrusion crosshead. What makes a crosshead a good crosshead? High centricity, for example.
Experts at Rosendahl focus on a round crosshead body, where the crosshead is heated up with external heating bands. This ensures consistent heat distribution. High centricity is also achieved through simulation in order to optimise the distribution of the material flow. Moreover, the simulation makes it possible to control a minimum shear rate and a minimum shear stress.
Through a special distributor design the experts also achieve the highest quality welded seams; and this is not to forget the care they take to ensure that the extruded product has sufficient relaxation and homogenisation zones.
A small volume in the distributor enables short dwell periods and quick colour changes.
For product handling purposes Rosendahl has ensured that maintenance is kept simple through using heating bands, which are easier to change than heating cartridges.
To reduce operating costs, the experts reduce pressure on the crosshead distributor, which enables gentle processing of the material and gives the additional benefit that the extruder and crosshead are less stressed.
As producers need high flexibility in their use of materials, Rosendahl made it possible to process different materials, from HFFR to PA or PUR, all on one crosshead.
The modular construction can easily be changed from a fix-centred to a manually-centred crosshead.
The Rosendahl Crosshead Series RX include crossheads for extruding cables with a core diameter from 0.03 mm to 180 mm. All crossheads are offered as single machines and in complete lines.