In a parliamentary update, Mr. R K Singh revealed that 269 interstate power transmission projects have been completed since 2014. Out of these, 45 projects are under TBCB with the rest following the RTM mode.
Aug 12, 2023

Union Minister R K Singh informed that a total of 269 inter-state Transmission System (ISTS) projects have been completed. Among these, 45 projects were carried out under Tariff-Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) mode and 224 projects, executed by Power Grid Corporation of India (POWERGRID), are under Regulated Tariff Mechanism (RTM) mode. Additionally, Mr. R K Singh conveyed to the assembly that there are currently 63 ongoing interstate projects, with 32 of these projects following the TBCB approach. The remaining 31 projects are being undertaken by POWERGRID under the RTM mode.