POWERGRID will establish a 400kV double-circuit line from Units 3 & 4 (2×1000 MW) of KNPP up to the Tuticorin-II (GIS) Pooling Station, running about 120 km, along with two 400kV GIS line terminal equipment, for power generation project of NPCIL.
Jan 13, 2025

State-owned Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) has acquired the Special Protection Vehicle (SPV) ‘Kudankulam Transmission Limited,’ a wholly-owned subsidiary of PFC Consulting Limited, for an Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) project worth INR 548 crore, as per estimations by the National Committee on Transmission (NCT).
The letter of intent (LoI) for the project, titled ‘Transmission System under ISTS for evacuation of power from Kudankulam Unit – 3 and 4 (2×1000 MW),’ was issued to the Central PSU on December 12, 2024.
The project would have a gestation period of 30 months and was expected to be completed by December 2026.
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As per the report, this would be the first transmission infrastructure project involving nuclear power evacuation under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) mode.
As per POWERGRID, the project involved setting up evacuation infrastructure for two upcoming units of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant (KKNPP) in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu.
PGCIL would erect a 400kV double-circuit (quad) line from KKNPP-Unit 3 & 4 up to the Tuticorin-II (GIS) Pooling Station, running about 120 km, along with two 400kV GIS line terminal equipment at the said pooling station.
As per PGCIL, the project would facilitate transfer of power in the southern region from the Kudankulam Unit-3 & 4 generation project of NPCIL.
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The corresponding line bays at the KKNPP end would be developed by NPCIL, as they were not considered part of the ISTS grid, said the report.
The report said a certain portion of electricity generated at KKNPP-U3 & U4 would be injected into Tamil Nadu’s state grid via a 400kV (quad) double-circuit line of around 30 km connecting to the 400kV Samugarangapuram substation of state utility Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited (Tantransco). This system would be built jointly by NPCIL and Tantransco.