Nexans to supply 130 kilometres of URC-1 cable containing 96 fibres - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India
NewsWire & Cable News

Nexans to supply 130 kilometres of URC-1 cable containing 96 fibres

27 October, 2011

Nexans has been awarded a contract to supply 130 kilometres of URC-1 cable to Emerald Bridge Fibres Ltd. (Emerald Bridge). Emerald Bridge is a joint venture between UK fibre network provider Geo Networks Ltd. (Geo) and Ireland’s leading telecom provider ESB Telecoms Ltd, to lay the most recent submarine optical fibre between Ireland and the UK.

The URC-1 cable will be supplied in two separate designs; both single and double-armoured, to ensure the highest level of reliability. By using the latest technology, the cable will be made up of 96 fibres, the highest capacity available for UJ qualification. This will allow for plenty of flexibility to grow beyond current capacity requirements. The cable is currently being manufactured at Nexans’ Rognan factory in Norway and will be ready for delivery to Emerald Bridge in time for the marine installation.

The cable will be used to deliver virtually unlimited dark fibre capacity between the UK and the Republic of Ireland to some of the largest data users in the ISP, Mobile, Carrier and System Integrator areas.


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