10 May, 2011

Zumbach Electronics introduces the new ODAC® F line of laser gauges. These new series offer high-precision, non-contact laser diameter measurement with extremely high scan rates and an integrated fault detection function.
Thanks to the ultra high scan rates and single scan function, these scanners are, in addition to the standard diameter measurement, especially suited for efficient fault detection (lumps/neckdowns) for cables with bigger diameters at a medium line speeds. Therefore, a separate and conventional fault detector becomes needless for such applications.
Combined with the powerful Zumbach USYS processors we can process up to 4500 measurements per second from 3-axis scanners. A special laser beam geometry enables the detection and process of very small defaults or diameter variations.
Up to 333 data packets per second can be processed forward to a higher level system. Our data packets can include, amongst others, min. & max. diameter values, ovality, etc. A complete line of gauges is available for dimensions between 0.25 to 550 mm (.01 to 21.65 in.).
Outstanding advantages
- Double or even higher scan rates than before, i.e. more measurements per time unit
- Maximum fault detection (lumps / neckdowns) at increased line speeds
- FFT / SRL analysis with higher bandwidths.