Continuus-Properzi announces two new plants for recovering 100 percent scrap with copper content more than 96 percent in Tolyatti, Russia and Rasht, Iran.
September 1, 2017

Continuus-Properzi announces that two new plants, capable to recover 100% scrap with a copper content ≥ 96%, will start production of Fire Refined High Conductivity (FRHC) rod in early 2018.
One 80 ton per day refining furnace – for annual production of 24,000 tons – is being installed at TLMZ LLC in the region of Tolyatti, Russia – to feed one new Properzi CCR line (11 tph).
The second refining furnace, making use of a recent and patented design with charging door on the top and an automatized conveyor belt for loading the scrap into the furnace, will begin operation at Gil Rod Shomal Co. in Rasht, Iran. Foreseen production is around 30,000 tpy of 8 mm (FRHC) copper rod by a Properzi System already successfully working with cathodes (to make ETP rod) at 12.5 tph.
Copper rod from 100% scrap can fulfill the large majority of total tonnage required by the market as it can be drawn down to 0.25 mm wires and even smaller. FRHC rod was recently standardized by ASTM B4-15a as C11025.
Fifty years ago Continuus-Properzi was the pioneer and promoter of continuously cast and rolled copper rod. As of today, the company has sold almost sixty CCR lines; about half of these plants can produce FRHC or a combination of ETP and FRHC rod.