The company has launched an online Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) where the customers are dialed in live via video conference calls and can observe the test run of their machine.
June 4, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the whole world upside down and has had major impact on production facilities. Due to the travel restrictions, it is not possible for our customers to attend test runs in person.
That is why, Lämneå Bruk has successfully launched an online Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) where the customers are dialed in live via video conference calls and can observe the test run of their machine.
Our team has set up 4 cameras at different crucial points of a Fully Automatic Precision Layer Winder, so you can see the critical parts from all angles. For example, cameras have been placed at the spooler to see the spooling off process and behind and in front of the basket spool when the wire is spooled on. Through these different angles, you can clearly see how precisely the wire is laid on the spool and how the automatic spool exchange works. To allow you to focus on one point at a time, you can easily choose which camera to look at first or switch between the different views.
The test was a big success, our customer was very happy with the offered flexibility and the machine is now being prepared to be shipped out to the customer’s factory.