The umbilical will be delivered in Q2 2021 and will connect the Elgood subsea well to the Blythe platform, helping to optimize both production and control with a cost-effective solution.
September 15, 2020

JDR has agreed a new contract with Subsea 7 to supply a 9.3km production and control umbilical, topside equipment and subsea terminations for the offshore Elgood field in the UK Continental Shelf.
The Elgood field is part of Independent Oil and Gas plc’s (IOG) Core Project Phase 1, which will also involve the development of the Southwark (part of the Vulcan Satellites) and Blythe field. The project is located in the southern North Sea in water depths between 20m and 30m and is 50% owned and operated by IOG, the remainder by CalEnergy Resources Limited.
JDR will manufacture the umbilical, topside terminations, and additional subsea equipment at its state-of-the-art Hartlepool facility, with the hydraulic hoses and LV cables being manufactured in JDR’s Littleport facility.