ELECRAMA 2014 showcased to a delegation of 37 Members of Parliament from 19 African countries India capability to African Countries offering technology solutions for electrifying Africa. Mr. Sanjeev Sardana, Chairman–ELECRAMA 2014 Organising Committee, hosted a networking session of the official delegation of Honorable Members of Parliament from Africa and Indian industry experts.
Mr. Sardana, welcoming the delegates, senior officials from Govern-ment of India said, “Africa offers great opportunities in terms of development and infrastructure specially power infrastructure – various multi-lateral funding agencies like World Bank, IMF, African development bank have been lending finance for various projects including power sector projects and power sector reforms in Africa.”
Highlighted a few key points about the contribution of India and Indian industries in the Africa. He said, “Every 4th new global workforce will be an Indian. Many of the Indian companies have joined hands with Africa and have started setting up plants for transformers, switchgears, insulators, cables and conductors. Advantage with India is on the forefront of global technology, skill resources and Indian technology is ideal for developing nations. India ranks second in manufacturing competitiveness and have 30 percent of world engineers. Indian MNC made strategic global acquisitions worth USD 30.9 billion in 2010 overseas including some of the top electrical manufacturing companies today are owned by Indian companies.”
Speaking about the relations between IEEMA and Africa he said, “We, as an association of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ of India, have been actively involved in the development of power sector of Africa for more than last two decades. GOI has extended various lines of credit to the tune of about USD 5.2 Billion. Indian share of electrical exports is about USD 2.5 Billion.”
Further he added “India can offer very vibrant solutions for electrifying Africa. We have facilities for rural electrification, robust solution for remote electrification and monitoring of power distribution, which will help modernize the existing power setup in Africa. We can also offer conventional technology to upgrade your thermal and hydro plants. We have great renewal technology – where we offer you non-fossil technology, wind energy, solar and also opportunities for geo-thermal. We can also offer smart metering system where distribution load can be monitored through the computers and data systems from the headquarters.”
Highlighting some of the statistics he said “India and Africa are the 4th largest trade partners. India’s investment in Africa has exceeded over USD 35 billion in 2011 and bilateral trade is estimated to touch USD 100 billion. We also understand the outlay for power sector development and reforms in Africa are about approximately USD 93 billion per annum and the Indian industry’s annual share in African power equipment is USD 2.5 billion.”