Haryana to get Rs. 1,487 crore for power reforms - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India
NewsTransmission, Distribution & Infrastructure

Haryana to get Rs. 1,487 crore for power reforms

December 28, 2013

The government of India has approved power development schemes of Rs. 1,487 crore for 36 towns in Haryana for its restructured accelerated power development and reforms programme (RAPDRP).

The RAPDRP would be executed in two parts. Under one part, the power distribution system would be made information technology (IT) based, while under another part, the power distribution system in the towns would be strengthened and renovated.

The power discoms planned to give a strong information technology base to the electricity distribution system by way of consumer indexing, GIS and asset mapping, metering of feeders and distribution transformers, automatic data logging, feeder segregation, ring fencing, information technology applications, establishment of base line data system, etc.


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