Grandlay Wires & Cables plans a threefold increase in its cable division’s turnover by 2020 with the addition of products like HT and solar cables. The company is also contemplating to enter the electrical appliances segment and is to launch its LED range soon.

Mr. Hitansh Batra , Joint Managing Director, Grandlay Wires & Cables.
“The plant in Murthal has scope of expansion owing to space available. Our plan is to see that our turnover grows at least threefold by 2020 in the cable division itself. Other products to be launched would have different growth projections,” said Mr. Pradeep Batra, Managing Director, Grandlay Wires & Cables.
Wire & Cable India: Please brief us about Grandlay Cables. How has it evolved over the years?
PB: We are one of the oldest companies in India. The growth of the company was a little slow in the past due to various reasons, one being relocation of the plant to Murthal (Haryana) owing to govt.’s policy of exiting the polluting plants from Delhi. Because of this relocation, various plans for technology upgradation got delayed thus hampering the growth. However, things have changed now! With the state-of-the-art plant and extrusion lines from Maillefer, we have increased the capacity significantly and now can optimally meet the customers’ expectations, mainly from the private sector. My son Mr. Hitansh Batra has also joined the company after his graduation and is actively involved in the day-to-day activities and expansion plans of the company.
WCI: Tell us about the new developments or any new products you must have added recently.
PB: There were various products which we were not manufacturing earlier. One of the examples is solar cable, which we have now ventured into. In the last few years, our focus on building wires has become less. If you look at the product range of major companies, the percentage share of building wires is more. Also, looking at the demand for domestic wires we are in the process of increasing the capacity for building wires. We are planning to enter HT cables and add LEDs to our product range. The other products in pipeline are to be launched soon. As of now, HT is on priority and hopefully would be produced by the next year.
WCI: What is the basic philosophy on which Grandlay runs?
PB: We have maintained the same quality which was there years back. That is the main USP of Grandlay wires and cables. Our cables and wires have impressed customers with their durability and fine electrical qualities, and many old customers have reaffirmed their faith in our products by returning to buy them after long times. There is a lot of competition and the quality has to speak for itself. The raw materials like copper and aluminum are therefore being procured from the top companies Hindalco, Sterlite, etc.
WCI: Going forward, what would be the future targets of Grandlay?
PB: The plant in Murthal has scope of further expansion owing to space available. Our plan is to see that our turnover grows at least threefold by 2020 in the cable division itself. We are also exploring other products in the electrical segment to further increase our sales. Other products to be launched would have different growth projections.
WCI: What are your views on the Indian wire and cable industry?
PB: There is of course demand spike in the market but the capacity is also increasing commensurately. There is intense competition too along with volatile copper and aluminum market conditions, which is a little worrisome. There are few upcoming segments like renewable cables, especially solar, which shows some healthy growth trends for now and future. On the demand side, customers are getting increasingly aware and asking for good quality, which again is good for the entire industry resulting in better quality benchmarks and technology investments. Overall, the growth indicators for the wire and cable industry are on healthy side with enough demand accruing in future.
WCI: I would like to take your views on the company’s punch line ‘Your powerful connection’.
PB: The punch line ‘Your Powerful Connection’ says and means that the product is as per specification and guide lines laid down by IS & BS.
WCI: Would you like to highlight the technology you are installing for the additional capacity?
PB: We are in the process of finalizing copper drawing and fine wire drawing machines from reputed companies like Niehoff and Samp and hopefully will closing the deals soon. In addition to this, we are also upgrading and increasing the installed capacity.