The halogen-free and flame-retardant industrial cables are made from recyclable raw materials. They are designed to mitigate safety risks in electrical installations and avert accidents, particularly fires.
Apr 12, 2024

Finolex Cables has launched a range of eco-safe wires under the FinoGreen brand, which are designed to mitigate safety risks in electrical installations and avert accidents, particularly fires. It would account for around 5 percent of the company’s wires business.
The halogen-free and flame-retardant industrial cables are made from recyclable raw materials.
FinoGreen cables are designed for voltages up to 1100 V a.c., 50 Hz. The wires significantly reduce smoke emissions and ensure minimal release of hydrochloric acid gas in the event of a fire.
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Mr. Amit Mathur, President, Sales and Marketing, Finolex Cables, said that FinoGreen wires delivered a key differentiator and the company was expecting a healthy market demand over the coming months.
Introducing FinoGreen aligns with the company’s proactive approach of staying ahead of market trends. These wires represent the future of business for Finolex, with an anticipated increase in offtake over the coming months.
The company was expecting an immediate adoption of this product by premium builders for both residential and commercial projects. It was also suitable for high-traffic establishments such as malls, hotels, airports, educational institutions and high-security areas.
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The company had been supplying wires on demand, but considering the increasing requirement from the market, it decided to introduce these wires at the retail level. This would undoubtedly add significant value and higher margins to Finolex’s business, added Mr. Mathur.