Epsilon, with its advanced HVCRC high-performance conductors, allows it to efficiently double the ampacity of existing high-voltage overhead lines in Ukraine.
Dec 5, 2024

Epsilon Cable, a global company in advanced conductors, has made significant steps in the ongoing reconstruction and energy security efforts in Ukraine. The French company supports Ukraine’s energy resilience amidst geopolitical issues in the country.
Watch: Systematic Group
One of the focuses of Epsilon is its advanced HVCRC high-performance conductors, which allow it to efficiently double the ampacity of existing high-voltage overhead lines. Their discussion with the Ministry of Energy revolved around the application of Epsilon’s HVCRC conductors to enhance Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and its CFRP reinforcements, such as its Carbolam laminates, Carborod solid rods, and Carbocore anchors, to repair vital structures like bridges and tunnels.
On November 12, Epsilon Cable also participated in a webinar hosted by CurrENT Europe in partnership with Green Deal Ukraїna and the Renewables Grid Initiative. Ukraine’s Minister of Energy, Mr. German Galushchenko, discussed with the team how Epsilon advanced conductors can help reinforce and secure Ukraine vital electrical infrastructure, but also how Carbolam® and Carbocore® CFRP reinforcements can repair and strengthen reinforced concrete structures (including bridges, buildings, tunnels and underground constructions).
Also Read: Epsilon Cable Partners with OAPIL for High-Performance Conductor Solutions in the Middle East
Epsilon’s Sales Director, Romain Coullette, presented the capabilities of HVCRC® high-performance conductors and their role in reinforcing Ukraine’s electricity links with its western neighbours. The webinar emphasized the urgency of enabling higher energy imports from the European Union to support Ukraine through the coming winters.