Compared to the 1980s, modern vehicles have become rolling computers that can be quite heavy due to their various comfort and safety systems. This can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, as the additional weight often overrides the savings in fuel of the advanced engines or even leads to a higher consumption. Therefore, automobile manufacturers aim at avoiding unnecessary weight. The CENTERVIEW 8000 is a reliable device to ensure the highest quality with minimum material consumption even for the smallest wires and cables.
February 21, 2019

With more than 100 consumers (e.g. battery sensors, ESP, radar-, ultrasound and video sensors, but also air-conditioning, electric windows and other amenities), up to 40 kg accumulate for the electrical system of a mid-range car alone. This weight is equivalent to approximately 8,000 m cables, which are built into a mid-range car today. In comparison, in 1980, only about 200 m cables were necessary to power an equivalent model. The constantly growing number of electronic components is a continuous challenge for automotive manufacturers, as increased weight means a reduced performance and more cables mean a higher number of possible error sources.
For not having to compromise on comfort or, in the worst case, safety, as well as to avoid complex repairs for the replacement of individual cable looms, today, modern materials are used for lighter and more resilient cable looms. However, not only the choice of material offers savings potential. Another important factor is the sustainable use of these materials as well as a reliable quality control already during cable production.

The CENTERVIEW 8000 is a non-contact gauge head that provides continuous online 8-point eccentricity, 4-axes diameter and 8-point ovality measurement with the highest measuring accuracy. The individual measuring values are displayed numerical and graphical and are the basis for a stable production process and an extensive quality management. By controlling the line speed, the CENTERVIEW 8000 ensures the specific wall thickness. Impressively the system ensures quality of the cable that has to endure a temperature of far above 200°C as well as a continuous performance of approximately 1,500 Watt – at peak even reaching up to 3,000 Watt. The CENTERVIEW 8000 contributes in addition to quality assurance for an optimized production process whilst reducing costs and weight at the same time.