Interviews - Page 40 of 52 - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India

Category : Interviews

Read the latest and exclusive interviews of leading industry players, top companies, CEO’s and experts of wire and cable industry.


Real Ispat & Power Ltd. (RIPL): Sweeping Presence in India & the Neighbor-hood

Real Ispat & Power Ltd. today stands at a considerable production capacity of 2,40,000 tonne an annum of steel wires, steel wire rods and other steel products. The company is ready to set up another fully integrated steel manufacturing unit with a capacity to produce 1,50,000 tonne an anuum. Real......

Samrat Wires Private Limited: CHQ Wires Aimed at Automotive Market

Smarat Wires has swiftly carved a foothold for itself in making cold heading quality (CHQ) wires supplied mainly to automotive needs. Samrat Wires, an associate unit of GITA GROUP, has a state-of-art wire drawing plant at Khopoli, Maharashtra, India. The plant has capacity to give output up to 15000 tonnes......

HPL Electric & Power Limited: With a Complete Basket of Electrical Utilities

With the largest and the fifth largest Indian market share for electricity meters and LED lamps respectively in 2015, HPL is ready to take big strides in the wires and cables too with the commissioning of its huge and cutting-edge Gharuanda facility in Haryana. HPL Electric & Power Limited has......

Tata Steel Global Wires (TSGW) Business: Plans for Novel Products and Solutions Packages

With some planned service-cum-product solutions for farmers and new products for institutional market, TSGW is ready to take the Indian market an inch closer to global quality. Amongst the largest steel wire manufacturers globally, Tata Steel Global Wires (TSGW) Business is ranked prominently in the industry. TSGW Business comprises of......

RR Kabel: Fresh New Identity

We are launching a couple of new products. In cables, we have been primarily a house wire company, i.e. a low voltage cable company to say. Now, we are moving to medium voltage cables and other specialized cables, says Mr. Shreegopal Kabra. RR Kabel, established in 1999, is a leading......

Uniflex Cables Limited: Fast Inroads into Renew able Energy Segment

Having served the telecom and conventional power cabling requirements with its extensive range for long enough time, Uniflex is now ready to do its bit for renewable energy sector and other specialty needs with its innovative e-beam technology for cross-linking of polymers. Uniflex Cables, established in 1981, is a leading......

Walson Woodburn: Wire Dies with Global Footprint

With a comprehensive wire die portfolio, die room equipment, and inventory management, the company has a history of producing some of the best and most appreciated die systems for the wire industry Woodburn Diamond Die, Inc., headquartered in Woodburn, Indiana, USA, has grown big and notable as the supplier of......


Borouge and Borealis work closely with their customers and industry partners to provide value-creating plastics solutions that make energy management and transmission more efficient and reliable Borouge, a leading polyolefins manufacturer, was founded in 1998 as a joint venture between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and Austria’s Borealis, an established......

SIKORA AG: Precision in Measurement Begets Perfection in Quality

How to optimize processes as well as run production lines more efficiently and economically is a lesson only few like SIKORA can teach through constant development of cutting-edge measuring and control systems ensuring absolute purity of raw material. Among eminent quality and precision technology makers, SIKORA definitely ranks high as......

Maillefer Extrusion Oy: Competence that Counts

Under ‘Competence that Counts’ theme, Maillefer has coined some ultra-innovative value packages for its customers to select the best fit cable manufacturing processes and extrusion technology to enhance profitability to unprecedented level. Maillefer is a well-known technologist for the wire and cable industry, with almost over 100 years of know-how......
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