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Wire & Cable India

Author : wirecable

MoEF approves plan to upgrade Mumbai’s main power transmission network

February 6, 2013 Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company (Mahatransco) has announced that the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) of India has cleared its project to upgrade the Mumbai’s main power transmission network. The approval will help Mahatransco to continue the construction of a 130km line, which was stopped......

REC to qualify developers for 220 kV project

February 15, 2013 REC Transmission Projects Company Limited (RECTPCL), subsidiary of state-owned Rural Electricity Corporation (REC) has begun the qualification process for the selection of a transmission service provider (TSP) for the 220 kV Bira-Siul hydro electric power (HEP) – Sarna double-circuit transmission system. The TSP will be selected through......

OPTCL looks for Rs 1,000 crore loan from JICA

January 28, 2013 State owned transmission utility – Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd (OPTCL) is looking to avail loan assistance of Rs 1,000 crore from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for funding new transmission projects. If the funding fructifies, it will be the first assistance to be extended by the......

REC arm incorporates four SPVs for transmission projects

February 16, 2013 REC Transmission Projects Company Limited (RECTPCL), subsidiary of state-owned Rural Electricity Corporation (REC), has incorporated four special purpose vehicles (SPVs) for the development of transmission projects, which are to be awarded through competitive-based tariff bidding soon. The SPVs created include Kudgi Transmission Limited for development of transmission......

India’s total power requirement to increase up to 900 to 1,100 Giga Watt by 2030

February 22, 2013 Mr. B.K. Chaturvedi, Member (Energy), Planning Commission, urged power distribution utilities to work towards expanding electricity metering in rural areas of the country. “It is important for metering to do well in the country as the entire value chain of the power sector depends on realisation of......
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