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Wire & Cable India

Author : wirecable

Plea against Rs. 15,000 crore transmission project in Uttar Pradesh

May 8, 2013 The UP Rajya Vidyut Upbhokta Parishad petitioned the UP Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) seeking cancellation of license granted to the Spanish company Isolux Corsan for executing the ambitious Rs. 15,000-crore transmission project in the state. Notably, the company finds itself embroiled in a controversy over proposed installation......

Indian Power Grid: Technology & Challenges

Mr. I S Jha, Director (Projects), Power Grid, during the Gridtech 2013 gave the fruitful presentation enumerating on what Indian power grid is today, a glance on its growth, medium and long term plans, the emerging requirements to improve the technology in long term as well as improving the performance......

Gridtech 2013: A surge of power

Power Grid organized Gridtech 2013 an exhibition and concurrent summit which proved to be an excellent global networking opportunity for exhibitors, power utilities, manufacturers, research institutions, policy makers, academicians, consultants, visitors and delegates. It has provided an opportunity to all companies to showcase their transmission, distribution, smart grid, renewable integration,......

Sterlite Technologies’ net revenues grow to Rs. 3,354 crores in FY 13

April 26, 2013 Sterlite Technologies Limited announced its results for the quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2013. Financial highlights for FY 13 Revenue growth of 23% from Rs. 2,727 croes in FY 12 to Rs. 3,354 crores in FY 13. Highest volumes for all businesses including both power......

Energy Saving – Carbon Flyer Bows For Buncher

April 30, 2013 Kamatics introduced a composite carbon flyer bow, which is a new innovative solution for wire processing. The backbone bow is designed to incorporate all the positive features of an enclosed bow without any of the negative associated with operating a tube or totally enclosed flyer bow. The......

KEC International’s Cables facility at Vadodara, Gujarat receives IGBC Green Factory ‘Platinum’ Certification

First Cables factory in India to receive this Certification April 23, 2013 KEC International Ltd announced that its green-field cables manufacturing facility in Vadodara (Gujarat), has been awarded the prestigious ‘Platinum’ certification by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) formed by CII. The IGBC Green Factory certification system recognizes significant efforts......

Cords Cable gets Rs. 8 crores order from Leighton Welspun Contractors

April 11, 2013 Cords Cable Industries Ltd. said that it has secured two significant orders from its client, Leighton Welspun Contractors, which is a part of USD 23 billion Australia-based Leighton Holdings. The two new orders, aggregating to over Rs. 8 crores, will require Cords Cable to supply instrumentation cables......
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