Are you looking for more reliable high and extra high voltage power cable systems with better joints, terminations and lower material costs?
Maillefer has invested heavily on the R&D of insulating and crosslinking of high voltage and extra high voltage power cables.
With the help of our new and the world’s sole vertical pilot line at Maillefer headquarters R&D center in Finland, we have developed a “Cable Roundness Concept”, which remarkably improves cable roundness.
Perfect Roundness Concept Value Package
• Inductive conductor heating after the crosshead
• EHT nitrogen cooling circulation to force the cable into a perfect round shape after the crosshead
• Correct cross linking conditions calculated with NCC, Maillefer’s curing calculation and simulation program
• Effective mixing of melt with the XLPE insulation screw SM7
• Even flow distribution with the crosshead’s specially designed insulation distributor
• Accurate screw and crosshead temperature control with Maillefer’s Integrated Water Tempering unit IWT
• Round Milliken conductor with conductor compacting unit before the crosshead
• Unique and precise measurement of cable roundness
Which one would you prefer?
Perfect Roundness Concept with the roundness of Dmin/ Dmax ≥ 0.995
Common business standard with the roundness of Dmin/ Dmax ≤ 0.975

A proven sample measurement Dmin/ Dmax for a 500 kV cable gave an extraordinary roundness result of ≥ 0.998
With our Perfect Roundness Concept Value Package you can remarkably improve the quality of cable joints and terminations in addition to savings in insulation material more than 30 tons per year.