KEC International wins orders worth Rs. 568 crore - Wire & Cable India
Wire & Cable India
NewsWire & Cable News

KEC International wins orders worth Rs. 568 crore

November 14, 2013

KEC International Ltd. (KEC), an RPG Group company has secured new orders of Rs. 568 crore in its Transmission and Cables businesses.

Transmission Business: In this business, the Company has secured orders in India, Bangladesh and Americas amounting to Rs. 493 crore.

India: Two orders involving supply and erection of 765 kV and 400 kV transmission lines in the state of Rajasthan and Haryana under the Northern Region System Strengthening Scheme (XXV) on turnkey basis. The orders are secured from the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL). The total value of orders is Rs. 314 crore.

Americas: SAE Towers, the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company has secured orders for the supply of lattice towers, monopoles and hardware from United States, Brazil and Mexico. The total value of orders is Rs. 130 crore.

Bangladesh: Order involving supply and erection of 132 kV transmission lines on turnkey basis. The order is secured from the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) Limited. The order value is Rs. 27 crore.

Saudi Arabia: Secured an additional order from its existing project in the country. The order value is Rs. 22 crore.

Cables Business: In this business, the Company has secured orders for the supply of Power and Telecom Cables. The total value of orders is Rs. 75 crore.

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